API Reference

Global Methods

As the methods are several, below are only listed the most pertinent global methods of voxelmap, in order of the lowest level to highest level of applications to 3-D modeling operations.and classified in sub-sections:


class voxelmap.objcast(filename='scene.obj', spacing=1)

Converts a Wavefront .obj file into a sparse, third-order (3-D) NumPy array to represent a point cloud model.



Path to the .obj file. Defaults to ‘scene.obj’.


Distance between points in the point cloud. Can be adjusted to create a denser or sparser point cloud. Defaults to 1.

class voxelmap.matrix_toXY(array, mult)

Converts a 2D numpy array into an XYv coordinate matrix where v is the corresponding element in every x-y coordinate.



The 2D numpy array to be converted to an XYv coordinate matrix.

multint or float

The multiplication factor to be applied to the elements in the matrix.

class voxelmap.tensor_toXYZ(tensor, mult)

Converts a 3D numpy array (tensor) into an XYZ coordinate matrix.



The 3D array (tensor) to be converted to XYZ coordinates.

multint or float

The multiplication factor to be applied to all the coordinates.

Load and Save

class voxelmap.load_array(filename)

Loads a pickled numpy array with filename name

class voxelmap.save_array(array, filename)

Saves an array array with filename name using the pickle module

class voxelmap.tojson(filename, array, hashblocks={})

Save 3-D array and hashblocks color mapping as JSON file

class voxelmap.load_from_json(filename)

Load JSON file to object

Array Manipulation

class voxelmap.resize_array(array, mult=(2, 2, 2))

Resizes a three-dimensional array by the three dim factors specified by mult tuple. Converts to sparse array of 0s and 1s



array to resize

mult: tuple(float,float,float)

depth length width factors to resize array with. e.g 2,2,2 resizes array to double its size in all dims

class voxelmap.roughen(array, kernel_level=1)

Makes a 3d array model rougher by a special convolution operation. Uses voxelmap.random_kernel_convolve.



array to roughen up

kernel_level: int

length scale (size) of random kernels used. The smallest scale (=1) gives the roughest transformation.

class voxelmap.random_kernel_convolve(array, kernel, random_bounds=(-10, 10))

Applies a three-dimensional convolution with a randomly-mutating kernel on a 3-D array which changes for every array site when random_bounds are set to tuple. If random_bounds are set to False, convolution occurs in constant mode for the specified kernel.



array to convolve

kernel: np.array(int,int,int)

kernel to use for convolution. If random_bounds are set to tuple, only the kernel’s shape is used to specify the random_kernels

random_boundstuple(int,int) OR bool

see above explanation.


class voxelmap.MarchingMesh(array, out_file='scene.obj', level=0, spacing=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), gradient_direction='descent', step_size=1, allow_degenerate=True, method='lewiner', mask=None, plot=False, figsize=(4.8, 4.8))

Marching cubes on sparse 3-D integer voxelmap arrays (GLOBAL)


array: np.array((int/float,int/float,int/float))

3-D array for which to run the marching cubes algorithm


name and/or path for Wavefront .obj file output. This is the common format for OpenGL 3-D model files (default: model.obj)

levelfloat, optional

Contour value to search for isosurfaces in volume. If not given or None, the average of the min and max of vol is used.

spacinglength-3 tuple of floats, optional

Voxel spacing in spatial dimensions corresponding to numpy array indexing dimensions (M, N, P) as in volume.

gradient_directionstring, optional

Controls if the mesh was generated from an isosurface with gradient descent toward objects of interest (the default), or the opposite, considering the left-hand rule. The two options are: – ‘descent’ : Object was greater than exterior – ‘ascent’ : Exterior was greater than object

step_sizeint, optional

Step size in voxels. Default 1. Larger steps yield faster but coarser results. The result will always be topologically correct though.

allow_degeneratebool, optional

Whether to allow degenerate (i.e. zero-area) triangles in the end-result. Default True. If False, degenerate triangles are removed, at the cost of making the algorithm slower.

method: str, optional

One of ‘lewiner’, ‘lorensen’ or ‘_lorensen’. Specify which of Lewiner et al. or Lorensen et al. method will be used. The ‘_lorensen’ flag correspond to an old implementation that will be deprecated in version 0.19.

mask(M, N, P) array, optional

Boolean array. The marching cube algorithm will be computed only on True elements. This will save computational time when interfaces are located within certain region of the volume M, N, P-e.g. the top half of the cube-and also allow to compute finite surfaces-i.e. open surfaces that do not end at the border of the cube.

plot: bool

plots a preliminary 3-D triangulated image if True

class voxelmap.MeshView(objfile='scene.obj', color='black', alpha=1, wireframe=True, wireframe_color='white', background_color='#cccccc', viewport=[1024, 768])

Triangulated mesh view with PyVista (GLOBAL)


objfile: string

.obj file to process with MeshView [in GLOBAL function only]

colorstring / hexadecimal

mesh color. default: ‘pink’


opacity transparency range: 0 - 1.0. Default: 0.5

wireframe: bool

Represent mesh as wireframe instead of solid polyhedron if True (default: False).

wireframe_color: string / hex

edges or wireframe colors

background_colorstring / hexadecimal

color of background. default: ‘pink’


viewport / screen (width, height) for display window (default: 80% your screen’s width & height)

Local Methods to Model class

class voxelmap.Model(array=[], file='')
__init__(array=[], file='')

Model structure. Calls 3-D array to process into 3-D model.



array of the third-order populated with discrete, non-zero integers which may represent a voxel block type


file name and/or path for image file

hashblocksdict[int]{str, float }

a dictionary for which the keys are the integer values on the discrete arrays (above) an the values are the color (str) for the specific key and the alpha for the voxel object (float)

colormap< matplotlib.cm object >

colormap to use for voxel coloring if coloring kwarg in Model.draw method is not voxels. Default: cm.cool


alpha transparency of voxels if colormap option is chosen. default: opaque colormap (alpha=1)



file name a/or path for goxel txt file


XYZnp.array(float )

an array containing the x,y,z coordinates of shape number_voxel-locations x 3 [for each x y z]


a list for the colors of every voxels in xyz array (length: number_voxel-locations)


a factor to separate the relative distance between each voxel (default:10.0 [> 50.0 may have memory limitations])

ImageMap(depth=5, out_file='scene.obj', plot=False)

Map image or 2-D array (matrix) to 3-D array



depth in number of voxels (default = 5 voxels)


name and/or path for Wavefront .obj file output. This is the common format for OpenGL 3-D model files (default: model.obj)

plot: bool / str

plots a preliminary 3-D triangulated image if True with PyVista. For more plotting options, plot by calling MeshView separately.

ImageMesh(out_file='scene.obj', L_sectors=4, rel_depth=0.5, trace_min=1, plot=True, figsize=(4.8, 4.8), verbose=False)

3-D triangulation of 2-D images / 2-D arrays (matrices) with a Convex Hull algorithm (Andrew Garcia, 2022)



name and/or path for Wavefront .obj file output. This is the common format for OpenGL 3-D model files (default: model.obj)

L_sectors: int

length scale of Convex Hull segments in sector grid, e.g. L_sectors = 4 makes a triangulation of 4 x 4 Convex Hull segments

rel_depth: float

relative depth of 3-D model with respect to the image’s intensity magnitudes (default: 0.50)

trace_min: int

minimum number of points in different z-levels to triangulate per sector (default: 1)

plot: bool / str

plots a preliminary 3-D triangulated image if True [with PyVista (& with matplotlib if plot = ‘img’). For more plotting options, plot with Meshview instead.

MarchingMesh(voxel_depth=12, level=0, spacing=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), gradient_direction='descent', step_size=1, allow_degenerate=True, method='lewiner', mask=None, plot=False, figsize=(4.8, 4.8))

Marching cubes on 3-D mapped image or 3-D array


voxel_depthint (optional)

depth of 3-D mapped image on number of voxels (if file [image] is to be processed / i.e. specified)

levelfloat, optional

Contour value to search for isosurfaces in volume. If not given or None, the average of the min and max of vol is used.

spacinglength-3 tuple of floats, optional

Voxel spacing in spatial dimensions corresponding to numpy array indexing dimensions (M, N, P) as in volume.

gradient_directionstring, optional

Controls if the mesh was generated from an isosurface with gradient descent toward objects of interest (the default), or the opposite, considering the left-hand rule. The two options are: – ‘descent’ : Object was greater than exterior – ‘ascent’ : Exterior was greater than object

step_sizeint, optional

Step size in voxels. Default 1. Larger steps yield faster but coarser results. The result will always be topologically correct though.

allow_degeneratebool, optional

Whether to allow degenerate (i.e. zero-area) triangles in the end-result. Default True. If False, degenerate triangles are removed, at the cost of making the algorithm slower.

method: str, optional

One of ‘lewiner’, ‘lorensen’ or ‘_lorensen’. Specify which of Lewiner et al. or Lorensen et al. method will be used. The ‘_lorensen’ flag correspond to an old implementation that will be deprecated in version 0.19.

mask(M, N, P) array, optional

Boolean array. The marching cube algorithm will be computed only on True elements. This will save computational time when interfaces are located within certain region of the volume M, N, P-e.g. the top half of the cube-and also allow to compute finite surfaces-i.e. open surfaces that do not end at the border of the cube.

plot: bool

plots a preliminary 3-D triangulated image if True

MeshView(color='black', alpha=1, wireframe=True, wireframe_color='white', background_color='#ffffff', viewport=[1024, 768])

Triangulated mesh view with PyVista


objfile: string

.obj file to process with MeshView [in GLOBAL function only]

colorstring / hexadecimal

mesh color. default: ‘pink’


opacity transparency range: 0 - 1.0. Default: 0.5

wireframe: bool

Represent mesh as wireframe instead of solid polyhedron if True (default: False).

wireframe_color: string / hex

edges or wireframe colors

background_colorstring / hexadecimal

color of background. default: ‘pink’


viewport / screen (width, height) for display window (default: 80% your screen’s width & height)


Builds voxel model structure from python numpy array

draw(coloring='none', geometry='voxels', scalars='', background_color='#cccccc', wireframe=False, wireframe_color='k', window_size=[1024, 768], voxel_spacing=(1, 1, 1), show=True)

Draws voxel model after building it with the provided array with PyVista library


coloring: string
voxel coloring scheme
  • ‘custom’ –> colors voxel model based on the provided keys to its array integers, defined in the hashblocks variable from the Model class

  • ‘custom: #8599A6’ –> color all voxel types with the #8599A6 hex color (bluish dark gray) and an alpha transparency of 1.0 (default)

  • ‘custom: red, alpha: 0.24’ –> color all voxel types red and with an alpha transparency of 0.24

  • ‘cmap : {colormap name}’ : colors voxel model based on a colormap; assigns colors from the chosen colormap to the defined array integers

  • ‘cmap : viridis’ –> colormap voxel assignment with the viridis colormap

  • ‘cmap : hot’, alpha: 0.56 –> voxel assignment with the hot colormap with an alpha transparency of 0.56

  • ‘none’ –> no coloring

  • ‘cool’ cool colormap

  • ‘fire’ fire colormap

  • and so on…

geometry: string

voxel geometry. Choose voxels to have a box geometry with geometry=’voxels’ or spherical one with geometry=’particles’


list of scalars for cmap coloring scheme

background_colorstring / hex

background color of pyvista plot

wireframe: bool

Represent mesh as wireframe instead of solid polyhedron if True (default: False).

wireframe_color: string / hex

edges or wireframe colors


defines plot window dimensions. Defaults to [1024, 768], unless set differently in the relevant theme’s window_size property [pyvista.Plotter]


changes voxel spacing by defining length scales of x y and z directions (default:(1,1,1)).


Display Pyvista 3-D render of drawn 3-D model if True (default: True)

draw_mpl(coloring='custom', edgecolors=None, figsize=(6.4, 4.8), axis3don=False)

Draws voxel model after building it with the provided array (Matplotlib version. For faster graphics, try the draw() method (uses PyVista)).


coloring: string
voxel coloring scheme
  • ‘custom’ –> colors voxel model based on the provided keys to its array integers, defined in the hashblocks variable from the Model class

  • ‘custom: #8599A6’ –> color all voxel types with the #8599A6 hex color (bluish dark gray) and an alpha transparency of 1.0 (default)

  • ‘custom: red, alpha: 0.24’ –> color all voxel types red and with an alpha transparency of 0.2

  • ‘nuclear’ colors model radially, from center to exterior

  • ‘linear’ colors voxel model vertically, top to bottom.

edgecolors: string/hex

edge color of voxels (default: None)


defines plot window dimensions. From matplotlib.pyplot.figure(figsize) kwarg.

axis3don: bool

defines presence of 3D axis in voxel model plot (Default: False)

hashblocks_add(key, color, alpha=1)

Make your own 3-D colormap option. Adds to hashblocks dictionary.



array value to color as voxel


color of voxel with corresponding key index (either in hexanumerical # format or default python color string)

alphafloat, optional

transparency index (0 -> transparent; 1 -> opaque; default = 1.0)

load(filename='scene.json', coords=False)

Load to Model object.


filename: string (.json or .txt extensions (see above))

name of file to be loaded (e.g ‘scene.json’)

coords: bool

loads and processes self.XYZ, self.RGB, and self.sparsity = 10.0 (see Model class desc above) to Model if True. This boolean overrides filename loader option.


Turn image into intensity matrix i.e. matrix with pixel intensities. Outputs self.array as mutable matrix to contain relative pixel intensities in int levels [for file if specified]

resize_intensity(res=1.0, res_interp=3)

Resize the intensity matrix of the provided image.


resfloat, optional

relative resizing percentage as x times the original (default 1.0 [1.0x original dimensions])

res_interp: object, optional

cv2 interpolation function for resizing (default cv2.INTER_AREA)


Save sparse array + color assignments Model data as a dictionary of keys (DOK) JSON file


filename: string

name of file (e.g. ‘scene.json’) Data types: .json -> voxel data represented as (DOK) JSON file .txt -> voxel data represented x,y,z,rgb matrix in .txt file (see Goxel .txt imports)
